Friday, May 13, 2011

Education for inmates criticism/response

I could not agree with you more on this issue! Giving inmates an education is one of the most important things for society. Getting an education means they can come out of prison and contribute to society and possibly prevent them from going back, which a majority do.

Though, like you said, there needs to be some measure for them to be responsible for paying for this education. Just as the rest of us are responsible for doing.

Unconcealed Weapons Criticism/Response

You make some very strong points in this article. I am also against the open-carry bill. Allowing a person to carry their weapon in plain sight would put so many people on edge and create a huge amount of anxiety. I would be scared to go anywhere and would be scared of everyone that had a weapon on them in plain sight.

Right now there isn't this sort of anxiety because there is no way of knowing if someone has a gun on them. Some could argue that is greater reason to be on edge, scared, and curious if the person walking next to you has a gun or not. I don't believe that is the case because you don't really expect that many people carry a concealed weapon and it doesn't cross your mind. However, if it were in plain sight then it would be a thought in your head. That thought would turn into fear.

One thing I''m not sure of is if the fact that just because someone is carrying a gun that a person would be more inclined to reach for that gun. I think if a person is already thinking of hurting someone then they will have a gun on them. The biggest problem with this bill for me is people will be living and fear, and those who do carry them will have easy access to their gun and could more easily use it on someone.